En: Tamarindo, Guanacaste
Business type: Sale
Área Ground: 5000 m²
Área Built: 1 m²
En: Liberia, Guanacaste
Área Built: 132 m²
Área Ground: 645 m²
Área Built: 112 m²
Área Built: 385 m²
En: Potrero, Guanacaste
Área Ground: 11832 m²
Área Built: 800 m²
US$3,950,000 USD | Sale
US$25,000 USD | Alquiler
En: San José de Pinilla, Guanacaste
Investing in Costa Rica as an expat offers exciting opportunities, and this blog post explores the tax benefits and resident visa options available in the country. Discover how Costa Rica's territorial tax system and tax exemptions in free trade zones can help you reduce your tax liability. Start your journey toward a prosperous future in Costa Rica today!
Costa Rica has become an increasingly popular destination for US citizens looking to retire abroad. With its warm climate, stunning natural beauty, and friendly locals, it's easy to see why so many people are drawn to this small Central American country.